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Histoires pour enfants -
The fish pond

Note moyenne : 2 commentaire(s)
36 votes |
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Résumé :
Next to a tiny village there is a pond full of fish. However, every time that someone tries to fish in it, a threatening voice is heard: "Leave the fish in the water..." so everyone leaves the fish alone. Until one day, when a man decides to go to the pond to catch the fish to feed his village during a food shortage... Animated story, voiced by Aisha Morales Park. 25 pages.
Les + de l'histoire :
A story to learn not to ask for more than you need...
Courage, Apprendre, Respect, Audio, Partage, Anglais, Légende, Japon
Les avis des whisperers

Le 5 avril 2020
Je n'en ai pas car je l'ai lu en anglais... Mais je l'ai déjà lu en français
Le 27 avril 2020