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Histoires pour enfants -
Leo has a big fright

Leo has a big fright
  • Véronique Bernhard AUTEUR / ILLUSTRATEUR
    Véronique Bernhard

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Résumé :

Leo is a hearing-impaired child. And this morning, an abnormal thing is going to happen, something that will give him a big fright... without consequences, thankfully! Animated story, voiced by Maxime Place. 14 pages.

Les + de l'histoire :

A book that allows to be in the shoes of a disable child for a moment.

Ecole, Différence, Audio, Entraide, Anglais, handicap, Ecole, Audio, Différence, Entraide, handicap

Les avis des whisperers

Le 17 décembre 2020
It is very nice the story because being nice is very good,and my favorite part is that the deaf child helps Leo

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