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Histoires pour enfants -
The fakir squirrel

The fakir squirrel
  • Eric Tournaire ILLUSTRATEUR
    Eric Tournaire
  • Akava AUTEUR

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Résumé :

A story for children about Cuddly, a very beautiful and elegant squirrel, the most charming of the whole forest. He actually has won a lot of beauty competitions. His family and friends are proud of him, even if sometimes they are jealous. But Cuddly chooses another path to be happy with, quite different from the one he had been predestined. So he leaves his family with his friend Canaille, a worm. And they start their adventure, away from the ones that don't accept their choice. Soon he will find out that certain people will not mind his difference... Animated story, voiced by Aisha Morales Park, 24 pages.

Les + de l'histoire :

A funny story that will teach children to accept themselves and accept the differences of others. The important thing is to be happy and to accept each other's differences. 

Confiance en soi, Amour, Famille, Audio, Anglais

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